

The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC, pronounced "gee-pak") is a global member led network of civil society organisations (CSOs) who actively work on conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The network consists of fifteen regional networks of local organisations with their own priorities, character and agenda. These regional networks are represented in an International Steering Group, which jointly determines our global priorities and actions for our conflict prevention and peacebuilding work.

Our mission is to promote a global shift in peacebuilding from solely reacting to conflict to preventing conflicts from turning violent. We do this through multi-actor collaboration and local ownership of strategies for peace and security. Together, we aim to achieve greater national, regional and global synergy in the field of conflict prevention and peacebuilding, and to strengthen the role of local members in the regions affected by conflict.
Together we work on supporting the capacity of our regional networks for collaborative action by facilitating regional and global exchanges: members from diverse regions meet to learn from each other experiences. Our members also connect with other actors, including the UN, regional intergovernmental organisations such as the League of Arab States, state actors, the media and academia. This has resulted in unique initiatives, showing our ability to bridge global policy making with local ownership and practice on the ground. Our work is guided by our current Strategic Plan 2011-2015 and is structured around four key strategies: Network Strengthening and Regional Action, Action Learning, Public Outreach, Policy and Advocacy. Our strategic focus is informed by our thematic priorities of Preventive Action, Dialogue and Mediation, Peace Education and Human Security. Cutting across our strategic and thematic priorities is a commitment to gender mainstreaming and we strive to integrate gender perspectives in all our work.
Civil society organisations working in conflict prevention and peacebuilding are eligible to join GPPAC. If your organisation would like to become a member, please register on the Peace Portal and create an organisation page. 

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