
I will try to do my best

It’s a little bit trivially to repeat one more time that the peace-building and security issues are very important and necessary. Of course, it is, and everyone knows about that. And there are a lot of different projects which are directed to the peacebuilding and stability issues. But the essential feature of the project “Support strengthening the role of young women in building peace and stability in the South Caucasus” is that the participants are only young women who are welleducated and interested in.  I want to say that for me personally it’s interesting as well. What would I hope to achieve? Well, I’m more than sure that it will be very beneficial and fruitful. I hope this project will help me to develop my professional skills and to contribute to the peace-building processes in this region. It will be a useful experience. May be it’s a little bit obvious but all I want to say is that every organization and community needs professional and experienced persons who can make the contributions towards different social activities. And it can be reached only by trainings of individuals like me, like other members of this project.  For myself I can affirm that I will try to do my best in order to be an active member and to bring this gold experience to my organization and community and to use it in my future life.
Milana Ibrahimova, Baku

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